July 27, 2024

poWer map's Point of View about Heat Maps

Heat Maps is a marketing way to represent trends and analysis on something. poWer map can applied Heat Maps to organizations (prospects, clients, competitors) for sales or hires needs.

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poWer map's point of view about Heat Maps

Introduction to Heat Maps

PowerMap ®’s prototype was using Heat Maps techniques to define relationships between different players.

A heat map is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. A simple heat map provides an immediate visual summary of information. More elaborate heat maps allow the viewer to understand complex data sets.

There can be different types of heat maps, but they all have one thing in common : instead of presenting data in a complex spreadsheet, they use colors to explainthe relationships between data more easily.

Heat Maps applied to poWer maps

poWer Map’s heat map prototype uses four colors to represent the relationships :
• Grey : no information or don’t know
• Red : negative or oppose relationship
• Orange / Yellow : ambiguous situation
• Green : positive or good relationships

This heatmap enables to draw :
• Relationships between the user and its client
• Relationships between the company that employs the user and its client
• Relationships between the client and the competitors of the user
• Relationships between people within the client organization

What's next ?

The more information we can have about people, the most rich and complex heat maps we will be able to produce.

For instance, with one clic, we would be able to know if a company like "twitter" like or do not like "facebook", or if the "poWer" company likes or do not like "Linkedin" ... not only the boss, but all the people who composed the company.

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